Package-level declarations


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class AutoJsonToJsonSchema<NODE : Any>(json: AutoMarshallingJson<NODE>, fieldRetrieval: FieldRetrieval = FieldRetrieval.compose( SimpleLookup( metadataRetrievalStrategy = PrimitivesFieldMetadataRetrievalStrategy ) ), modelNamer: SchemaModelNamer = Simple, refLocationPrefix: String = "components/schemas", metadataRetrieval: MetadataRetrieval = MetadataRetrieval.compose(SimpleMetadataLookup(emptyMap()))) : JsonSchemaCreator<Any, NODE>
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sealed interface Data4kJsonSchemaMeta

Values of the json schema metadata

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data class Field(val value: Any, val isNullable: Boolean, val metadata: FieldMetadata)
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data class FieldHolder(val value: Any)
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data class FieldMetadata(val extra: Map<String, Any?> = emptyMap())
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class JsonToJsonSchema<NODE>(json: Json<NODE>, refLocationPrefix: String = "components/schemas") : JsonSchemaCreator<NODE, NODE>
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class KondorJsonSchemaCreator(json: KondorJson, refLocationPrefix: String = "components/schema") : JsonSchemaCreator<Any, JsonNode>
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data class MapKey(val keyAsString: Any)
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class NoFieldFound(name: String, target: Any, cause: Throwable? = null) : RuntimeException
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class SimpleLookup(renamingStrategy: (String) -> String = { it }, metadataRetrievalStrategy: FieldMetadataRetrievalStrategy = NoOpFieldMetadataRetrievalStrategy()) : FieldRetrieval
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Set format values for OpenApi descriptions for fields of this type


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Combine Strategies, with the first taking precedence