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Checks the presence of the named Api Key parameter. Filter returns 401 if Api-Key is not found in request.

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class AuthCodeOAuthSecurity(val authorizationUrl: Uri, val tokenUrl: Uri, val scopes: List<OAuthScope> = emptyList(), val filter: Filter, val name: String = "oauthSecurityAuthCode", val refreshUrl: Uri? = null, val extraFields: Map<String, String> = emptyMap()) : OAuthSecurity
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class BearerAuthSecurity(val filter: Filter, val name: String = "bearerAuth") : Security

Checks the presence of bearer auth credentials. Filter returns 401 if auth fails.

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class ImplicitOAuthSecurity(val authorizationUrl: Uri, val scopes: List<OAuthScope> = emptyList(), val filter: Filter, val name: String = "oauthSecurityImplicit", val refreshUrl: Uri? = null, val extraFields: Map<String, String> = emptyMap()) : OAuthSecurity
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Default NoOp security filter. Filter allows all traffic through.

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data class OAuthScope(val name: String, val description: String = name)
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sealed class OAuthSecurity : Security
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class OpenIdConnectSecurity(val discoveryUrl: Uri, val filter: Filter, val name: String = "openIdConnect") : Security
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interface Security

Endpoint security. Provides filter to be applied to endpoints for all requests.

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class UserCredentialsOAuthSecurity(val tokenUrl: Uri, val scopes: List<OAuthScope> = emptyList(), val filter: Filter = Filter.NoOp, val name: String = "oauthSecurityUserCredentials", val refreshUrl: Uri? = null, val extraFields: Map<String, String> = emptyMap()) : OAuthSecurity


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