Package-level declarations


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data class Accept(val contentTypes: List<ContentType>, val directives: Parameters)
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interface Body : Closeable

If this Body is NOT being returned to the caller (via a Server implementation or otherwise), close() should be called.

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BodyMode represents a choice between working lazily with streams or eagerly storing the body contents in memory.

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data class ContentType(val value: String, val directives: Parameters = emptyList())
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data class Credentials(val user: String, val password: String)
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typealias Headers = Parameters
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typealias HttpHandler = (request: Request) -> Response
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HttpMessages are designed to be immutable, so any mutation methods return a modified copy of the message.

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data class HttpTransaction(val request: Request, val response: Response, val duration: Duration, val labels: Map<String, String> = when { response is ResponseWithRoute -> mapOf(ROUTING_GROUP_LABEL to response.xUriTemplate.toString()) request is RequestWithRoute -> mapOf(ROUTING_GROUP_LABEL to request.xUriTemplate.toString()) else -> emptyMap() })
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data class MemoryBody(val payload: ByteBuffer) : Body

Represents a body that is backed by an in-memory ByteBuffer. Closing this has no effect.

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data class MemoryRequest(val method: Method, val uri: Uri, val headers: Headers = listOf(), val body: Body = EMPTY, val version: String = HTTP_1_1, val source: RequestSource? = null) : Request
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data class MemoryResponse(val status: Status, val headers: Headers = listOf(), val body: Body = EMPTY, val version: String = HTTP_1_1) : Response
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enum Method : Enum<Method>
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class MimeTypes
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typealias Parameters = List<Parameter>
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interface Request : HttpMessage
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class RequestContext(val id: UUID = UUID.randomUUID())
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class RequestContexts(storeId: String? = null) : Store<RequestContext>

In-memory RequestContext store. Override the storeId to use multiple stores in one app.

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data class RequestSource(val address: String, val port: Int? = 0, val scheme: String? = null)
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interface Response : HttpMessage
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class Status
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class StreamBody(val stream: InputStream, val length: Long? = null) : Body

Represents a body that is backed by a (lazy) InputStream. Operating with StreamBody has a number of potential gotchas:

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data class Uri(val scheme: String, val userInfo: String, val host: String, val port: Int?, val path: String, val query: String, val fragment: String) : Comparable<Uri>
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data class UriTemplate
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typealias UriValue = AbstractValue<Uri>

Custom values4k extensions.

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open class UriValueFactory<DOMAIN : Value<Uri>>(fn: (Uri) -> DOMAIN, validation: Validation<Uri>? = null) : ValueFactory<DOMAIN, Uri>


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fun Uri.appendToPath(pathToAppend: String?): Uri
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fun Uri.extend(uri: Uri): Uri
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fun <K, V> Map<K, List<V>>.getFirst(key: K): V?
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fun Request.Companion.parse(request: String, lineBreak: String = ""): Request
fun Response.Companion.parse(response: String, lineBreak: String = ""): Response
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fun Uri.query(name: String, value: String?): Uri
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fun Uri.relative(relative: String): Uri
fun Uri.relative(relative: Uri): Uri
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fun Uri.removeQueries(prefix: String = ""): Uri
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fun Request.toCurl(truncateBodyLength: Int = 256): String
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fun String.toParameters(): List<Parameter>
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fun <T : HttpMessage> T.with(vararg modifiers: (T) -> T): T
fun WebForm.with(vararg modifiers: (WebForm) -> WebForm): WebForm