Package-level declarations


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open class CacheControlHeaderPart(val name: String, val value: Duration)
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Useful filters for applying Cache-Controls to request/responses

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data class CompressionResult(val body: Body, val contentEncoding: String?)
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data class CorsPolicy(val originPolicy: OriginPolicy, val headers: List<String>, val methods: List<Method>, val credentials: Boolean = false, val exposedHeaders: List<String> = emptyList(), val maxAge: Int? = null)
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data class DefaultCacheTimings(val maxAge: MaxAgeTtl, val staleIfErrorTtl: StaleIfErrorTtl, val staleWhenRevalidateTtl: StaleWhenRevalidateTtl)
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sealed class GzipCompressionMode
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For creating custom origin policy for allowing CORS

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data class SamplingDecision(val value: String)
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data class TraceId(val value: String)
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data class ZipkinTraces(val traceId: TraceId, val spanId: TraceId, val parentSpanId: TraceId?, val samplingDecision: SamplingDecision = SAMPLE)
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const val FLASH_COOKIE: String


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Allows all origins for CORS

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fun OriginPolicy.Companion.AnyOf(vararg allowedOrigins: String): OriginPolicy

Allows a given list of origins for CORS

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fun HttpHandler.debug(out: PrintStream = System.out, debugStream: Boolean = false): (request: Request) -> Response
fun RoutingHttpHandler.debug(out: PrintStream = System.out, debugStream: Boolean = false): RoutingHttpHandler
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Use this to wrap a block of code and ensure the current span exists at the end.

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fun Body.gzipped(compressionLevel: Int = DEFAULT_COMPRESSION): CompressionResult
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fun Body.gzippedStream(compressionLevel: Int = DEFAULT_COMPRESSION): CompressionResult
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Use this to wrap a block of code in a new span. It rolls the span and sets it for the duration of the passed block.

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Allows a given single origin for CORS

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Allows origin(s) matching a Regex for CORS

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fun Filter.thenIf(predicate: RequestPredicate, filter: Filter): Filter
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fun Filter.thenIfNot(predicate: RequestPredicate, filter: Filter): Filter
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