Package-level declarations


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class PathMethod(path: String, method: Method)
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fun interface ResourceLoader

Looks up contents of a resource path.

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data class RoutedRequest(delegate: Request, val xUriTemplate: UriTemplate) : Request, RequestWithRoute
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class RoutedResponse(delegate: Response, val xUriTemplate: UriTemplate) : Response, ResponseWithRoute
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interface Router

Matches requests for routing purposes.

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data class RouterDescription(val description: String, val children: List<RouterDescription> = listOf())
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The result of a matching operation. May or may not contain a matched HttpHandler.

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Composite HttpHandler which can potentially service many different URL patterns. Should return a 404 Response if it cannot service a particular Request.

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data class StaticRoutingHttpHandler(pathSegments: String, resourceLoader: ResourceLoader, extraFileExtensionToContentTypes: Map<String, ContentType>, filter: Filter = Filter.NoOp) : RoutingHttpHandler


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fun Method.and(that: Router): Router
infix fun Router.and(that: Router): Router
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fun (Request) -> Boolean.asRouter(description: String = unavailable.description): Router

Convert any predicate on a request into a router

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@JvmName(name = "bodyMatches")
fun body(fn: (String) -> Boolean): Router

Ensure body string matches predicate

fun body(fn: (Body) -> Boolean): Router

Ensure body matches predicate

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fun header(name: String, fn: (String) -> Boolean): Router
fun header(name: String, value: String): Router

Apply routing predicate to a header

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fun headers(vararg names: String): Router

Ensure all headers are present

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fun Request.path(name: String): String?
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fun queries(vararg names: String): Router

Ensure all queries are present

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fun query(name: String, fn: (String) -> Boolean): Router
fun query(name: String, value: String): Router

Apply routing predicate to a query

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fun reverseProxy(vararg hostToHandler: Pair<String, HttpHandler>): HttpHandler

Simple Reverse Proxy which will split and direct traffic to the appropriate HttpHandler based on the content of the Host header

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Simple Reverse Proxy. Exposes routing.

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fun singlePageApp(resourceLoader: ResourceLoader = ResourceLoader.Classpath("/public"), vararg extraFileExtensionToContentTypes: Pair<String, ContentType>): RoutingHttpHandler

For SPAs we serve static content as usual, or fall back to the index page. The resource loader is configured to look at /public package (on the Classpath).

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fun static(resourceLoader: ResourceLoader = Classpath(), vararg extraFileExtensionToContentTypes: Pair<String, ContentType>): RoutingHttpHandler

Serve static content using the passed ResourceLoader. Note that for security, by default ONLY mime-types registered in mime.types (resource file) will be served. All other types are registered as application/octet-stream and are not served.

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Serve WebJar contents from the classpath. Just install the dependencies and add this line to your routes().