Package-level declarations


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data class CSV(val delimiter: Char = ',', val header: List<String> = listOf(), val colTypes: Map<String, ColType> = mapOf(), val skipLines: Int = 0, val readLines: Int? = null, val duplicate: Boolean = true, val charset: Charset = Charsets.UTF_8, val parserOptions: ParserOptions? = null, val contentType: ContentType = TEXT_CSV) : DataFrameFormat
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sealed interface DataFrameFormat : Function1<InputStream, AnyFrame>

Represents the extraction format for taking data and converting it into a DataFrame.

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data class JSON(val header: List<String> = emptyList(), val keyValuePaths: List<JsonPath> = emptyList(), val typeClashTactic: JSON.TypeClashTactic = ARRAY_AND_VALUE_COLUMNS, val contentType: ContentType = APPLICATION_JSON) : DataFrameFormat


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fun HttpMessage.dataFrame(options: DataFrameFormat): DataFrame<*>

Read a DataFrame from the body of the message

fun Body.Companion.dataFrame(format: DataFrameFormat, description: String? = null, contentNegotiation: ContentNegotiation = ContentNegotiation.None): BodyLensSpec<AnyFrame>

Construct Lens to extract DataFrame from the body of the message

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fun <T> HttpMessage.dataFrameCsv(): DataFrame<T>

Read a DataFrame from the body of the message as CSV and auto-cast it to the known schema

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fun <T> HttpMessage.dataFrameJson(): DataFrame<T>

Read a DataFrame from the body of the message as JSON and auto-cast it to the known schema