Package-level declarations


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open class ConfigurableJackson(val mapper: ObjectMapper, val defaultContentType: ContentType = APPLICATION_JSON) : AutoMarshallingJson<JsonNode>
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To implement custom JSON configuration, create your own object singleton. Extra mappings can be added before done() is called.


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fun KotlinModule.asConfigurable(): AutoMappingConfiguration<ObjectMapper>
fun <T : ObjectMapper> KotlinModule.asConfigurable(mapper: T): AutoMappingConfiguration<T>
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inline operator fun <T : Any, R : HttpMessage> ConfigurableJackson.invoke(item: T): (R) -> R
inline operator fun <T : Any> ConfigurableJackson.invoke(msg: HttpMessage): T
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fun <T : JsonNodeDataContainer> Body.Companion.json(fn: (JsonNode) -> T, description: String? = null, contentNegotiation: ContentNegotiation = ContentNegotiation.None): BiDiBodyLensSpec<T>

Custom lens to extract and inject Data4k DataContainer types from JSON bodies

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Prevent the unmarshalling of unknown values4k types.

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inline fun <T : Any> (String) -> T
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inline fun <T : Any> ObjectMapper.write(): (T) -> String