Package-level declarations


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class DigestAuthProvider(realm: String, passwordLookup: (String) -> String?, qop: List<Qop>, algorithm: String, nonceGenerator: NonceGenerator, nonceVerifier: NonceVerifier = { true }, digestMode: DigestMode = DigestMode.Standard)
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class DigestAuthReceiver(nonceGenerator: NonceGenerator, digestMode: DigestMode)

For use in clients. Generates responses to Digest Auth challenges

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data class DigestChallenge(val realm: String, val nonce: Nonce, val algorithm: String?, val qop: List<Qop>, val opaque: String?)

The Digest Authorization challenge to be returned to the user as a header

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data class DigestCredential(val realm: String, val username: String, val digestUri: String, val nonce: Nonce, val response: String, val opaque: String?, val nonceCount: Long?, val algorithm: String?, val cnonce: Nonce?, val qop: Qop?)

The digest Authorization to pass to the server as a header

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class DigestEncoder(digester: MessageDigest, charset: Charset = ISO_8859_1)
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For use in servers. Verifies digest credentials and generates challenge responses

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data class ParameterizedHeader(val prefix: String, val parameters: Map<String, String?>)
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enum Qop : Enum<Qop>

Quality-of-Protection describes the security level of the Authorization challenge