Package-level declarations


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typealias ConnectorBuilder = (Server) -> ServerConnector
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class Http4kJettyHttpHandler(handler: HttpHandler) : Handler.Abstract
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class Http4kJettyServerWebSocketEndpoint(consumer: WsConsumer, request: Request) : Session.Listener.AbstractAutoDemanding
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class Jetty(port: Int, val stopMode: ServerConfig.StopMode, server: Server) : PolyServerConfig
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class JettyEventStreamHandler(sse: SseHandler, heartBeatDuration: Duration = Duration.ofSeconds(15)) : Handler.Abstract.NonBlocking


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fun http(httpPort: Int): ConnectorBuilder
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fun http2(http2Port: Int, keystorePath: String, keystorePassword: String): ConnectorBuilder
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fun JettyLoom(port: Int): Jetty
fun JettyLoom(port: Int, stopMode: ServerConfig.StopMode): Jetty
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fun HttpHandler.toJettyHandler(withStatisticsHandler: Boolean = false): Handler.Wrapper
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fun SseHandler.toJettySseHandler(): Handler.Wrapper
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fun WsHandler.toJettyWsHandler(server: Server): Handler.Wrapper