Package-level declarations


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fun beHttpOnly(): Matcher<Cookie>
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fun beSecure(): Matcher<Cookie>
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fun expireOn(matcher: Matcher<Instant?>): Matcher<Cookie>
fun expireOn(expected: Instant): Matcher<Cookie>
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fun haveAuthority(expected: String): Matcher<Uri>
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@JvmName(name = "haveBodyNullableStringMatcher")
fun <T : HttpMessage> haveBody(expected: Matcher<String?>): Matcher<T>
@JvmName(name = "haveBodyStringMatcher")
fun <T : HttpMessage> haveBody(expected: Matcher<String>): Matcher<T>
fun <T : HttpMessage> haveBody(expected: Matcher<Body>): Matcher<T>
fun <T : HttpMessage> haveBody(expected: String): Matcher<T>
fun <T : HttpMessage> haveBody(expected: Regex): Matcher<T>
fun <T : HttpMessage, B> haveBody(lens: BodyLens<B>, matcher: Matcher<B>): Matcher<T>
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fun <NODE> Json<NODE>.haveBody(expected: NODE): Matcher<HttpMessage>
fun <NODE> Json<NODE>.haveBody(expected: Matcher<NODE>): Matcher<HttpMessage>
fun <NODE> Json<NODE>.haveBody(expected: String): Matcher<HttpMessage>
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fun haveContentType(expected: ContentType): Matcher<HttpMessage>
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fun haveCookie(expected: Cookie): Matcher<Request>
fun haveCookie(name: String, match: Matcher<Cookie?>): Matcher<Request>
fun haveCookie(name: String, expected: String): Matcher<Request>
fun haveCookie(name: String, expected: Regex): Matcher<Request>
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fun haveCookiePath(expected: String): Matcher<Cookie>
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fun haveDomain(expected: String): Matcher<Cookie>
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@JvmName(name = "haveFormNullableStringMatcher")
fun haveForm(name: String, matcher: Matcher<String?>): Matcher<Request>
fun haveForm(name: String, matcher: Matcher<String>): Matcher<Request>
fun haveForm(name: String, expected: CharSequence): Matcher<Request>
fun haveForm(name: String, expected: Regex): Matcher<Request>
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fun <T> haveFormField(lens: Lens<WebForm, T>, matcher: Matcher<T>): Matcher<WebForm>
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fun haveHeader(name: String): Matcher<HttpMessage>
@JvmName(name = "haveHeaderNullableString")
fun haveHeader(name: String, matcher: Matcher<String?>): Matcher<HttpMessage>
fun haveHeader(name: String, matcher: Matcher<String>): Matcher<HttpMessage>
fun haveHeader(name: String, expected: String): Matcher<HttpMessage>
fun haveHeader(name: String, expected: List<String?>): Matcher<HttpMessage>
fun haveHeader(name: String, expected: Regex): Matcher<HttpMessage>
fun <T> haveHeader(lens: HeaderLens<T>, matcher: Matcher<T>): Matcher<HttpMessage>
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fun haveHost(expected: String): Matcher<Uri>
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fun haveMethod(expected: Method): Matcher<Request>
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fun haveName(expected: String): Matcher<Cookie>
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fun havePath(matcher: Matcher<String?>): Matcher<Uri>
fun havePath(expected: String?): Matcher<Uri>
fun havePath(expected: Regex): Matcher<Uri>
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fun havePort(expected: Int): Matcher<Uri>
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fun haveQuery(expected: String): Matcher<Uri>
@JvmName(name = "haveQueryNullableStringMatcher")
fun haveQuery(name: String, matcher: Matcher<String?>): Matcher<Request>
fun haveQuery(name: String, matcher: Matcher<String>): Matcher<Request>
fun haveQuery(name: String, expected: CharSequence): Matcher<Request>
fun haveQuery(name: String, expected: List<String?>): Matcher<Request>
fun haveQuery(name: String, expected: Regex): Matcher<Request>
fun <T> haveQuery(lens: QueryLens<T>, matcher: Matcher<T>): Matcher<Request>
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fun haveRequest(match: Matcher<Request>): Matcher<HttpTransaction>
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fun haveResponse(match: Matcher<Response>): Matcher<HttpTransaction>
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fun haveSameSite(expected: SameSite): Matcher<Cookie>
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fun haveSetCookie(expected: Cookie): Matcher<Response>
fun haveSetCookie(name: String, expected: Matcher<Cookie?>): Matcher<Response>
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fun haveStatus(expected: Status): Matcher<Response>
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fun haveUri(expected: Matcher<Uri>): Matcher<Request>
fun haveUri(expected: String): Matcher<Request>
fun haveUri(expected: Regex): Matcher<Request>
fun haveUri(expected: Uri): Matcher<Request>
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@JvmName(name = "haveCookieValueNullableString")
fun haveValue(matcher: Matcher<String?>): Matcher<Cookie?>
fun haveValue(matcher: Matcher<String>): Matcher<Cookie?>
fun haveValue(expected: String): Matcher<Cookie?>
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fun <T : HttpMessage, R> httpMessageHas(name: String, extractValue: (T) -> R, match: Matcher<R>): Matcher<T>
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fun <R> LensMatcher(matcher: Matcher<R>): Matcher<R>
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fun neverExpire(): Matcher<Cookie>
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infix fun Uri.shouldHaveAuthority(expected: String)
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@JvmName(name = "shouldHaveBodyNullableStringMatcher")
infix fun HttpMessage.shouldHaveBody(expected: Matcher<String?>)
@JvmName(name = "shouldHaveBodyStringMatcher")
infix fun HttpMessage.shouldHaveBody(expected: Matcher<String>)
infix fun HttpMessage.shouldHaveBody(expected: Matcher<Body>)
infix fun HttpMessage.shouldHaveBody(expected: String)
infix fun HttpMessage.shouldHaveBody(expected: Regex)
fun <T> HttpMessage.shouldHaveBody(lens: BodyLens<T>, matcher: Matcher<T>)
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infix fun Request.shouldHaveCookie(expected: Cookie)
fun Request.shouldHaveCookie(name: String, match: Matcher<Cookie?>)
fun Request.shouldHaveCookie(name: String, expected: String)
fun Request.shouldHaveCookie(name: String, expected: Regex)
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infix fun Cookie.shouldHaveDomain(expected: String)
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infix fun Cookie.shouldHaveExpiry(expected: Instant)
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@JvmName(name = "shouldHaveFormNullableStringMatcher")
fun Request.shouldHaveForm(name: String, matcher: Matcher<String?>)
fun Request.shouldHaveForm(name: String, matcher: Matcher<String>)
fun Request.shouldHaveForm(name: String, matcher: Regex)
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fun <T> WebForm.shouldHaveFormField(field: Lens<WebForm, T>, matcher: Matcher<T>)
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fun HttpMessage.shouldHaveHeader(name: String, matcher: Matcher<String>)
fun <T> HttpMessage.shouldHaveHeader(lens: HeaderLens<T>, matcher: Matcher<T>)
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infix fun Uri.shouldHaveHost(expected: String)
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infix fun Request.shouldHaveMethod(expected: Method)
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infix fun Cookie.shouldHaveName(expected: String)
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infix fun Uri.shouldHavePath(match: Matcher<String?>)
infix fun Uri.shouldHavePath(expected: String?)
infix fun Uri.shouldHavePath(expected: Regex)
infix fun Cookie.shouldHavePath(expected: String)
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infix fun Uri.shouldHavePort(expected: Int)
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infix fun Uri.shouldHaveQuery(expected: String)
@JvmName(name = "shouldHaveQueryNullableStringMatcher")
fun Request.shouldHaveQuery(name: String, matcher: Matcher<String?>)
fun Request.shouldHaveQuery(name: String, matcher: Matcher<String>)
fun Request.shouldHaveQuery(name: String, expected: List<String?>)
fun Request.shouldHaveQuery(name: String, expected: Regex)
fun <T> Request.shouldHaveQuery(lens: QueryLens<T>, matcher: Matcher<T>)
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infix fun HttpTransaction.shouldHaveRequest(match: Matcher<Request>)
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infix fun HttpTransaction.shouldHaveResponse(match: Matcher<Response>)
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infix fun Cookie.shouldHaveSameSite(expected: SameSite)
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infix fun Response.shouldHaveSetCookie(expected: Cookie)
fun Response.shouldHaveSetCookie(name: String, match: Matcher<Cookie?>)
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infix fun Response.shouldHaveStatus(expected: Status)
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infix fun Request.shouldHaveUri(match: Matcher<Uri>)
infix fun Request.shouldHaveUri(expected: String)
infix fun Request.shouldHaveUri(expected: Regex)
infix fun Request.shouldHaveUri(expected: Uri)
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infix fun Cookie.shouldHaveValue(expected: String)
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infix fun Uri.shouldNotHaveAuthority(expected: String)
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@JvmName(name = "shouldNotHaveBodyNullableStringMatcher")
infix fun HttpMessage.shouldNotHaveBody(expected: Matcher<String?>)
@JvmName(name = "shouldNotHaveBodyStringMatcher")
infix fun HttpMessage.shouldNotHaveBody(expected: Matcher<String>)
infix fun HttpMessage.shouldNotHaveBody(expected: Matcher<Body>)
infix fun HttpMessage.shouldNotHaveBody(expected: String)
infix fun HttpMessage.shouldNotHaveBody(expected: Regex)
fun <T> HttpMessage.shouldNotHaveBody(lens: BodyLens<T>, matcher: Matcher<T>)
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infix fun Request.shouldNotHaveCookie(expected: Cookie)
fun Request.shouldNotHaveCookie(name: String, match: Matcher<Cookie?>)
fun Request.shouldNotHaveCookie(name: String, expected: Regex)
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infix fun Cookie.shouldNotHaveDomain(expected: String)
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infix fun Cookie.shouldNotHaveExpiry(expected: Instant)
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@JvmName(name = "shouldNotHaveFormNullableStringMatcher")
fun Request.shouldNotHaveForm(name: String, matcher: Matcher<String?>)
fun Request.shouldNotHaveForm(name: String, matcher: Matcher<String>)
fun Request.shouldNotHaveForm(name: String, matcher: Regex)
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fun <T> WebForm.shouldNotHaveFormField(field: Lens<WebForm, T>, matcher: Matcher<T>)
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fun HttpMessage.shouldNotHaveHeader(name: String, matcher: Matcher<String>)
fun <T> HttpMessage.shouldNotHaveHeader(lens: HeaderLens<T>, matcher: Matcher<T>)
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infix fun Uri.shouldNotHaveHost(expected: String)
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infix fun Request.shouldNotHaveMethod(expected: Method)
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infix fun Cookie.shouldNotHaveName(expected: String)
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infix fun Uri.shouldNotHavePath(match: Matcher<String?>)
infix fun Uri.shouldNotHavePath(expected: String?)
infix fun Uri.shouldNotHavePath(expected: Regex)
infix fun Cookie.shouldNotHavePath(expected: String)
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infix fun Uri.shouldNotHavePort(expected: Int)
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infix fun Uri.shouldNotHaveQuery(expected: String)
@JvmName(name = "shouldNotHaveQueryNullableStringMatcher")
fun Request.shouldNotHaveQuery(name: String, matcher: Matcher<String?>)
fun Request.shouldNotHaveQuery(name: String, matcher: Matcher<String>)
fun Request.shouldNotHaveQuery(name: String, expected: List<String?>)
fun Request.shouldNotHaveQuery(name: String, expected: Regex)
fun <T> Request.shouldNotHaveQuery(lens: QueryLens<T>, matcher: Matcher<T>)
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infix fun HttpTransaction.shouldNotHaveRequest(match: Matcher<Request>)
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fun Response.shouldNotHaveSetCookie(name: String, match: Matcher<Cookie?>)
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infix fun Response.shouldNotHaveStatus(expected: Status)
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infix fun Request.shouldNotHaveUri(match: Matcher<Uri>)
infix fun Request.shouldNotHaveUri(expected: String)
infix fun Request.shouldNotHaveUri(expected: Regex)
infix fun Request.shouldNotHaveUri(expected: Uri)
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infix fun Cookie.shouldNotHaveValue(expected: String)