Package-level declarations


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Determines if the recording of events needs to be activated and deactivated manually

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Determines if the the TracerBullet will render output

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Determines if the the TracerBullet will report a render

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fun interface TraceNamer : Function1<ExtensionContext, String>

Responsible for giving names to Traces

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open class TracerBulletEvents(tracers: List<Tracer>, renderers: List<TraceRenderer>, traceRenderPersistence: TraceRenderPersistence, traceNamer: TraceNamer = TestNameAndMethod, tracePersistence: TracePersistence = TracePersistence.InMemory(), reporter: TraceReporter = TraceReporter.PrintToConsole, recordingMode: RecordingMode = Auto, renderingMode: RenderingMode = Always, reportingMode: ReportingMode = OnFailure) : VcrEvents, AfterTestExecutionCallback

JUnit plugin which is also an Events implementation that generates Trace renderings and stores them.
