Reference: AWS: Instance Metadata Service

dependencies {


The Instance Metadata Service V1 connector provides the following Actions:

 *  GetAmiId
 *  GetHostName
 *  GetInstanceIdentityDocument
 *  GetInstanceType
 *  GetLocalHostName
 *  GetLocalIpv4
 *  GetPublicHostName
 *  GetPublicIpv4
 *  GetSecurityCredentials
 *  ListSecurityCredentials

Example usage

const val USE_REAL_CLIENT = false

fun main() {
    // we can connect to the real service or the fake (drop in replacement)
    val http: HttpHandler = if (USE_REAL_CLIENT) JavaHttpClient() else FakeInstanceMetadataService()

    // create a client
    val client = InstanceMetadataService.Http(http.debug())

    // get local ip address
    val localIp = client.getLocalIpv4()

    // get identity document
    val identityDocument = client.getInstanceIdentityDocument()

Credentials Provider

The Instance Metadata Service also offers a CredentialsProvider. If the application is running inside an Amazon EC2 environment, this provider can authorize AWS requests using credentials from the instance profile.

fun main() {
    // build a credentials provider that will attempt to load AWS credentials from the EC2's instance profile
    val credentialsProvider = CredentialsProvider.Ec2InstanceProfile()

    // build a client that will authorize requests with the instance profile credentials
    val sns = SNS.Http(Region.US_EAST_1, credentialsProvider)

    // send a request
    val topics = sns.listTopics()

:warning: The Ec2InstanceProfile provider should always be last in the chain, since it will time out if not in an Amazon EC2 environment.

Region Provider

The Instance Metadata Service also offers a RegionProvider. If the application is running inside an Amazon EC2 environment, this provider can detect the current AWS region.

fun main() {
    // we can connect to the real service or the fake (drop in replacement)
    val imdsHttp: HttpHandler = if (USE_REAL_CLIENT) JavaHttpClient() else FakeInstanceMetadataService()
    val snsHttp: HttpHandler = if (USE_REAL_CLIENT) JavaHttpClient() else FakeSNS()

     * Build a RegionProvider chain with the following steps:
     * 1. Try to get region from AWS_REGION environment variable
     * 2. Try to get region from profile credentials file
     * 3. Try to get region from EC2 Instance Metadata Service
    val regionProviderChain = RegionProvider.Environment(Environment.ENV) orElse
        RegionProvider.Profile(Environment.ENV) orElse

    // Invoking the chain will return a region if one was found
    val optionalRegion: Region? = regionProviderChain()

    // orElseThrow will return a region or throw an exception if onr was not found
    val region: Region = regionProviderChain.orElseThrow()

    // create and use an Amazon client with the resolved region
    val sns = SNS.Http(region, { fakeAwsCredentials }, snsHttp)
    val topics = sns.listTopics()

:warning: The Ec2InstanceProfile provider should always be last in the chain, since it will time out if not in an Amazon EC2 environment.

Default Fake port: 63407

To start:
