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A BiDiBodyLens provides the bi-directional extraction of an entity from a target body, or the insertion of an entity into a target body.

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open class BiDiBodyLensSpec<OUT>(metas: List<Meta>, contentType: ContentType, get: LensGet<HttpMessage, OUT>, set: LensSet<HttpMessage, OUT>) : BodyLensSpec<OUT>

Represents a bi-directional extraction of an entity from a target Body, or an insertion into a target Body.

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class BiDiLens<in IN : Any, FINAL>(meta: Meta, get: (IN) -> FINAL, lensSet: (FINAL, IN) -> IN) : Lens<IN, FINAL> , LensInjectorExtractor<IN, FINAL>

A BiDiLens provides the bi-directional extraction of an entity from a target, or the insertion of an entity into a target.

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open class BiDiLensSpec<IN : Any, OUT>(location: String, paramMeta: ParamMeta, get: LensGet<IN, OUT>, set: LensSet<IN, OUT>) : LensSpec<IN, OUT> , BiDiLensBuilder<IN, OUT>

Represents a bi-directional extraction of an entity from a target, or an insertion into a target.

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open class BiDiMapping<IN, OUT>(val clazz: Class<OUT>, val asOut: (IN) -> OUT, val asIn: (OUT) -> IN)

A BiDiMapping defines a reusable bidirectional transformation between an input and output type

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Represents a bi-directional extraction of a list of entities from a target, or an insertion into a target.

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open class BiDiPathLensSpec<OUT>(paramMeta: ParamMeta, get: LensGet<String, OUT>, set: LensSet<Request, OUT>) : PathLensSpec<OUT>
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open class BodyLens<out FINAL>(val metas: List<Meta>, val contentType: ContentType, getLens: (HttpMessage) -> FINAL) : LensExtractor<HttpMessage, FINAL>

A BodyLens provides the uni-directional extraction of an entity from a target body.

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open class BodyLensSpec<out OUT>(metas: List<Meta>, contentType: ContentType, get: LensGet<HttpMessage, OUT>)

Represents a uni-directional extraction of an entity from a target Body.

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fun interface ContentNegotiation

Modes for determining if a passed content type is acceptable.

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sealed class Failure
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typealias HeaderLens<T> = Lens<HttpMessage, T>
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data class Invalid(val meta: Meta) : Failure
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open class Lens<in IN : Any, out FINAL>(val meta: Meta, lensGet: (IN) -> FINAL) : LensExtractor<IN, FINAL> , Iterable<Meta>

A Lens provides the uni-directional extraction of an entity from a target.

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interface LensBuilder<IN : Any, OUT>

Common construction patterns for all lens implementations.

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fun interface LensExtractor<in IN, out OUT> : Function1<IN, OUT>
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class LensFailure(val failures: List<Failure>, val cause: Exception? = null, val target: Any? = null, message: String = failures.joinToString { it.toString() }) : Exception
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data class LensFailures(val causes: List<LensFailure>) : RuntimeException
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class LensGet<in IN, out OUT>
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interface LensInjector<in IN, in OUT>
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class LensSet<IN, in OUT>
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open class LensSpec<IN : Any, OUT>(val location: String, paramMeta: ParamMeta, get: LensGet<IN, OUT>) : LensBuilder<IN, OUT>

Represents a uni-directional extraction of an entity from a target.

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data class Meta(val required: Boolean, val location: String, val paramMeta: ParamMeta, val name: String, val description: String?, val metadata: Map<String, Any>)
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data class Missing(val meta: Meta) : Failure
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sealed class ParamMeta
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open class PathLens<out FINAL>(meta: Meta, get: (String) -> FINAL) : Lens<Request, FINAL>
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open class PathLensSpec<out OUT>(paramMeta: ParamMeta, get: LensGet<String, OUT>)

Represents a uni-directional extraction of an entity from a target path segment.

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typealias Prop<OUT> = ReadOnlyProperty<Any?, OUT>
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typealias QueryLens<T> = Lens<Request, T>
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A set of standardised String <-> Type conversions which are used throughout http4k

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data class Unsupported(val meta: Meta) : Failure
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Runs through a list of lenses and extracts the values from each one, collecting the errors

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data class WebForm(val fields: Map<String, List<String>> = emptyMap(), val errors: List<Failure> = emptyList())


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Convert the result of a lens extraction to a Result4k type which

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fun Request.bearerAuth(token: String, scheme: String = "Bearer"): Request
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fun Body.Companion.binary(contentType: ContentType, description: String? = null, contentNegotiation: ContentNegotiation = None): BiDiBodyLensSpec<InputStream>
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inline fun <TARGET : Any, T> BiDiLensSpec<TARGET, String>.composite(crossinline fn: BiDiLensSpec<TARGET, String>.(TARGET) -> T): Lens<TARGET, T>

This allows creation of a composite object from several values from the same source.

inline fun <TARGET : Any, T> BiDiLensSpec<TARGET, String>.composite(crossinline getFn: BiDiLensSpec<TARGET, String>.(TARGET) -> T, crossinline setFn: T.(TARGET) -> TARGET): BiDiLens<TARGET, T>
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fun <IN : Any> BiDiLensSpec<IN, String>.csv(delimiter: String = ","): BiDiLensSpec<IN, List<String>>
fun <IN : Any, T : Any> BiDiLensSpec<IN, String>.csv(delimiter: String = ",", mapElement: BiDiMapping<String, T>): BiDiLensSpec<IN, List<T>>
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fun <IN : Any> BiDiLensSpec<IN, String>.dateTime(formatter: DateTimeFormatter = ISO_LOCAL_DATE_TIME): BiDiLensSpec<IN, LocalDateTime>
fun Path.dateTime(formatter: DateTimeFormatter = ISO_LOCAL_DATE_TIME): BiDiPathLensSpec<LocalDateTime>
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inline fun <IN : Any, T : Enum<T>> BiDiLensSpec<IN, String>.enum(): BiDiLensSpec<IN, T>
inline fun <T : Enum<T>> Header.enum(caseSensitive: Boolean = true): BiDiLensSpec<HttpMessage, T>
inline fun <T : Enum<T>> Path.enum(caseSensitive: Boolean = true): BiDiPathLensSpec<T>
inline fun <T : Enum<T>> Query.enum(caseSensitive: Boolean = true): BiDiLensSpec<Request, T>
inline fun <IN : Any, T : Enum<T>> BiDiLensSpec<IN, String>.enum(noinline nextOut: (String) -> T, noinline nextIn: (T) -> String): BiDiLensSpec<IN, T>
inline fun <T : Enum<T>> Path.enum(noinline nextOut: (String) -> T, noinline nextIn: (T) -> String): BiDiPathLensSpec<T>
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fun httpBodyRoot(metas: List<Meta>, acceptedContentType: ContentType, contentNegotiation: ContentNegotiation): BiDiBodyLensSpec<Body>
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fun <IN : Any> BiDiLensSpec<IN, String>.localDate(formatter: DateTimeFormatter = ISO_LOCAL_DATE): BiDiLensSpec<IN, LocalDate>
fun Path.localDate(formatter: DateTimeFormatter = ISO_LOCAL_DATE): BiDiPathLensSpec<LocalDate>
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fun <IN : Any> BiDiLensSpec<IN, String>.localTime(formatter: DateTimeFormatter = ISO_LOCAL_TIME): BiDiLensSpec<IN, LocalTime>
fun Path.localTime(formatter: DateTimeFormatter = ISO_LOCAL_TIME): BiDiPathLensSpec<LocalTime>
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fun main()
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fun <T> Lens<Request, T>.matches(fn: (T) -> Boolean): Router

Check the content of any lens on a request for routing purposes.

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@JvmName(name = "namedBiDi")
fun <IN : Any, OUT, L : BiDiLensBuilder<IN, OUT>> L.of(): DelegatedPropertyLensSpec<BiDiLens<IN, OUT>, OUT, BiDiLens<IN, OUT?>>
@JvmName(name = "namedBiDiList")
fun <IN : Any, OUT, L : BiDiLensBuilder<IN, List<OUT>>> L.of(): DelegatedPropertyLensSpec<BiDiLens<IN, List<OUT>>, List<OUT>, BiDiLens<IN, List<OUT>?>>
@JvmName(name = "named")
fun <IN : Any, OUT, L : LensBuilder<IN, OUT>> L.of(): DelegatedPropertyLensSpec<Lens<IN, OUT>, OUT, Lens<IN, OUT?>>
@JvmName(name = "namedList")
fun <IN : Any, OUT, L : LensBuilder<IN, List<OUT>>> L.of(): DelegatedPropertyLensSpec<Lens<IN, List<OUT>>, List<OUT>, Lens<IN, List<OUT>?>>
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fun <IN : Any> BiDiLensSpec<IN, String>.offsetDateTime(formatter: DateTimeFormatter = ISO_OFFSET_DATE_TIME): BiDiLensSpec<IN, OffsetDateTime>
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fun <IN : Any> BiDiLensSpec<IN, String>.offsetTime(formatter: DateTimeFormatter = ISO_OFFSET_TIME): BiDiLensSpec<IN, OffsetTime>
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fun <IN : Any, VALUE : Value<T>, T : Any> Lens<IN, String>.ofOrLensFailure(vf: ValueFactory<VALUE, T>, value: String): VALUE

Convert ot throw a lens failure when constructing a value type

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fun <IN : Any> BiDiLensSpec<IN, String>.regex(pattern: String, group: Int = 1): BiDiLensSpec<IN, String>
fun Path.regex(pattern: String, group: Int = 1): BiDiPathLensSpec<String>
fun Body.Companion.regex(pattern: String, group: Int = 1, contentType: ContentType = ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN, description: String? = null, contentNegotiation: ContentNegotiation = None): BiDiBodyLensSpec<String>
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fun Body.Companion.string(contentType: ContentType, description: String? = null, contentNegotiation: ContentNegotiation = None): BiDiBodyLensSpec<String>
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fun <M : Any, VALUE : Value<T>, T : Any> BiDiLensSpec<M, String>.value(vf: ValueFactory<VALUE, T>): BiDiLensSpec<M, VALUE>

Custom lens for mapping to values4k Value

fun <VALUE : Value<T>, T : Any> BiDiPathLensSpec<String>.value(vf: ValueFactory<VALUE, T>): BiDiPathLensSpec<VALUE>

Custom lens for mapping Path to values4k Value

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Convenience function to write the Webform to the message body and set the content type.

fun Body.Companion.webForm(validator: Validator, vararg formFields: Lens<WebForm, *>): BiDiBodyLensSpec<WebForm>
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fun <IN : Any> BiDiLensSpec<IN, String>.zonedDateTime(formatter: DateTimeFormatter = ISO_ZONED_DATE_TIME): BiDiLensSpec<IN, ZonedDateTime>
fun Path.zonedDateTime(formatter: DateTimeFormatter = ISO_ZONED_DATE_TIME): BiDiPathLensSpec<ZonedDateTime>
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