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inline fun <TARGET : Any, T> BiDiLensSpec<TARGET, String>.composite(crossinline fn: BiDiLensSpec<TARGET, String>.(TARGET) -> T): Lens<TARGET, T>

This allows creation of a composite object from several values from the same source.

inline fun <TARGET : Any, T> BiDiLensSpec<TARGET, String>.composite(crossinline getFn: BiDiLensSpec<TARGET, String>.(TARGET) -> T, crossinline setFn: T.(TARGET) -> TARGET): BiDiLens<TARGET, T>
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fun <IN : Any> BiDiLensSpec<IN, String>.csv(delimiter: String = ","): BiDiLensSpec<IN, List<String>>
fun <IN : Any, T : Any> BiDiLensSpec<IN, String>.csv(delimiter: String = ",", mapElement: BiDiMapping<String, T>): BiDiLensSpec<IN, List<T>>
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fun <IN : Any> BiDiLensSpec<IN, String>.dateTime(formatter: DateTimeFormatter = ISO_LOCAL_DATE_TIME): BiDiLensSpec<IN, LocalDateTime>
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open override fun defaulted(name: String, default: String, description: String?, metadata: Map<String, Any>): BiDiLens<HttpMessage, String>

Make a concrete Lens for this spec that falls back to the default value if no value is found in the target.

open override fun defaulted(name: String, default: LensExtractor<HttpMessage, String>, description: String?, metadata: Map<String, Any>): BiDiLens<HttpMessage, String>

Make a concrete Lens for this spec that falls back to another lens if no value is found in the target.

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inline fun <IN : Any, T : Enum<T>> BiDiLensSpec<IN, String>.enum(): BiDiLensSpec<IN, T>
inline fun <T : Enum<T>> Header.enum(caseSensitive: Boolean = true): BiDiLensSpec<HttpMessage, T>
inline fun <IN : Any, T : Enum<T>> BiDiLensSpec<IN, String>.enum(noinline nextOut: (String) -> T, noinline nextIn: (T) -> String): BiDiLensSpec<IN, T>
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fun <IN : Any> BiDiLensSpec<IN, String>.localDate(formatter: DateTimeFormatter = ISO_LOCAL_DATE): BiDiLensSpec<IN, LocalDate>
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fun <IN : Any> BiDiLensSpec<IN, String>.localTime(formatter: DateTimeFormatter = ISO_LOCAL_TIME): BiDiLensSpec<IN, LocalTime>
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fun <NEXT> map(nextIn: (String) -> NEXT, nextOut: (NEXT) -> String): BiDiLensSpec<HttpMessage, NEXT>

Create another BiDiLensSpec which applies the bi-directional transformations to the result. Any resultant Lens can be used to extract or insert the final type from/into a target.

fun <NEXT> map(nextIn: (String) -> NEXT): LensSpec<HttpMessage, NEXT>

Create another LensSpec which applies the uni-directional transformation to the result. Any resultant Lens can only be used to extract the final type from a target.

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fun <NEXT> mapWithNewMeta(nextIn: (String) -> NEXT, nextOut: (NEXT) -> String, paramMeta: ParamMeta): BiDiLensSpec<HttpMessage, NEXT>
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fun <IN : Any> BiDiLensSpec<IN, String>.offsetDateTime(formatter: DateTimeFormatter = ISO_OFFSET_DATE_TIME): BiDiLensSpec<IN, OffsetDateTime>
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fun <IN : Any> BiDiLensSpec<IN, String>.offsetTime(formatter: DateTimeFormatter = ISO_OFFSET_TIME): BiDiLensSpec<IN, OffsetTime>
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open override fun optional(name: String, description: String?, metadata: Map<String, Any>): BiDiLens<HttpMessage, String?>

Make a concrete Lens for this spec that looks for an optional value in the target.

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fun <IN : Any> BiDiLensSpec<IN, String>.regex(pattern: String, group: Int = 1): BiDiLensSpec<IN, String>
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open override fun required(name: String, description: String?, metadata: Map<String, Any>): BiDiLens<HttpMessage, String>

Make a concrete Lens for this spec that looks for a required value in the target.

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fun <M : Any, VALUE : Value<T>, T : Any> BiDiLensSpec<M, String>.value(vf: ValueFactory<VALUE, T>): BiDiLensSpec<M, VALUE>

Custom lens for mapping to values4k Value

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fun <IN : Any> BiDiLensSpec<IN, String>.zonedDateTime(formatter: DateTimeFormatter = ISO_ZONED_DATE_TIME): BiDiLensSpec<IN, ZonedDateTime>
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