
class InMemoryResource(content: ByteArray, val contentType: ContentType, val lastModified: Instant? = null, val etag: ETag? = null) : Resource


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constructor(content: String, contentType: ContentType, lastModified: Instant? = null, etag: ETag? = null)
constructor(content: ByteArray, contentType: ContentType, lastModified: Instant? = null, etag: ETag? = null)


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open override val contentType: ContentType
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open override val etag: ETag? = null
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open val headers: Headers
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open override val lastModified: Instant? = null
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open override val length: Long?


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open operator override fun invoke(request: Request): MemoryResponse
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open fun isModifiedSince(instant: Instant): Boolean
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open override fun openStream(): ByteArrayInputStream