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@JvmName(name = "sseHandlerAsServer")
fun SseHandler.asServer(config: PolyServerConfig): Http4kServer
@JvmName(name = "wsHandlerAsServer")
fun WsHandler.asServer(config: PolyServerConfig): Http4kServer
@JvmName(name = "sseConsumerAsServer")
fun SseConsumer.asServer(config: PolyServerConfig): Http4kServer
@JvmName(name = "wsConsumerAsServer")
fun WsConsumer.asServer(config: PolyServerConfig): Http4kServer
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abstract operator fun invoke(p1: Request): SseResponse
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abstract fun match(request: Request): SseRouterMatch
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abstract override fun withBasePath(new: String): RoutingSseHandler
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abstract override fun withFilter(new: SseFilter): RoutingSseHandler