Package-level declarations


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interface Websocket

Represents a connected Websocket instance, and can be passed around an application. This is configured to react to events on the WS event stream by attaching listeners.

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interface WsClient
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typealias WsConsumer = (Websocket) -> Unit
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typealias WsHandler = (Request) -> WsResponse
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data class WsMessage(val body: Body, val mode: WsMessage.Mode)
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data class WsResponse(val subprotocol: String? = null, val consumer: WsConsumer) : Function1<Websocket, Unit>
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data class WsStatus(val code: Int, val description: String)


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fun WebsocketFactory.blocking(uri: String, headers: Headers = emptyList()): WsClient
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fun WebsocketFactory.nonBlocking(uri: String, headers: Headers = emptyList(), onError: (Throwable) -> Unit = {}, onConnect: WsConsumer = {}): Websocket
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