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abstract fun blocking(uri: Uri, headers: Headers = emptyList()): WsClient

Provides a client-side WsClient connected to a remote Websocket. This is a blocking API, so accessing the sequence of "received" messages will block on iteration until all messages are received (or the socket is closed). This call will also block while connection happens.

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fun WebsocketFactory.blocking(uri: String, headers: Headers = emptyList()): WsClient
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abstract fun nonBlocking(uri: Uri, headers: Headers = emptyList(), onError: (Throwable) -> Unit = {}, onConnect: WsConsumer = {}): Websocket

Provides a client-side Websocket instance connected to a remote Websocket. The resultant object can be have listeners attached to it. Optionally pass a WsConsumer which will be called onConnect

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fun WebsocketFactory.nonBlocking(uri: String, headers: Headers = emptyList(), onError: (Throwable) -> Unit = {}, onConnect: WsConsumer = {}): Websocket