
class NamedResourceApprover(name: String, approvalContent: ApprovalContent, approvalSource: ApprovalSource, transformer: ApprovalTransformer<*> = ApprovalTransformer.StringWithNormalisedLineEndings()) : Approver


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constructor(name: String, approvalContent: ApprovalContent, approvalSource: ApprovalSource, transformer: ApprovalTransformer<*> = ApprovalTransformer.StringWithNormalisedLineEndings())


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open override fun <T : HttpMessage> assertApproved(httpMessage: T)

Check the content of the passed message against the previously approved content.

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fun Approver.assertApproved(content: InputStream, contentType: ContentType? = null)
fun Approver.assertApproved(content: String, contentType: ContentType? = null)
fun Approver.assertApproved(response: Response, expectedStatus: Status)
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Create a Hamkrest Matcher for this message that can be combined with other Matchers

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open override fun withNameSuffix(suffix: String): NamedResourceApprover