
fun interface Trigger : Function1<Request, Boolean>


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infix fun Trigger.and(that: Trigger): Trigger
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Converts this chaos stage to a standard http4k Filter.

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abstract operator fun invoke(p1: Request): Boolean
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operator fun Trigger.not(): Trigger
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infix fun Trigger.or(that: Trigger): Trigger
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fun Stage.then(nextStage: Stage): (Request) -> Filter?

Chain the next ChaosBehaviour to apply when this stage is finished.

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fun Stage.until(trigger: Trigger): Stage

Stop applying the ChaosBehaviour of this stage when the ChaosTrigger fires.

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fun HttpHandler.withChaosApi(engine: ChaosEngine = ChaosEngine(), security: Security = NoSecurity, controlsPath: String = "/chaos", openApiPath: String = "", corsPolicy: CorsPolicy = UnsafeGlobalPermissive, clock: Clock = Clock.systemUTC(), apiName: String = "http4k"): RoutingHttpHandler

Mixin the set of remote Chaos API endpoints to a standard HttpHandler, using the passed ChaosStage. Optionally a Security can be passed to limit access to the chaos controls.